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  • doctorpaulreilly

Why Vaccinate for COVID

There seems to be a lot of false information circulating on the internet regarding COVID vaccines. This confusion has caused many to decline getting their vaccines which is unfortunate because failure to vaccinate increases risk of death by anywhere from 11 times to 20 times higher when compared to those who have been vaccinated. Furthermore, vaccination reduces risk of developing severe disease and hospitalization as well. (see graph below)

Most of the reasons quoted for not vaccinated are totally false claims such as "nano bots", risk of sterilization, and changing recipients genes. These claims have been debunked repeatedly, but continue to be promulgated by internet sites. Another category of concerns is things like blood clots, heart inflammation etc. While these do occur in small numbers of patients, keep in mind that the risk of all of these is MUCH higher if one catches COVID. Furthermore 20-30% of people infected with COVID will develop some kind of long term symptoms due to the infection. These risks again far outweigh those of the vaccines. An analogy I offer is that of seatbelts. Some people refuse to wear them because they fear it would keep them from jumping out of the car in case it falls off a bridge or cliff while ignoring the far more likely harm that will occur in a simple freeway crash.

The bottom line is that virtually all medical professional, virologists, epidemiologists etc agree the benefits outweigh the risks. If you see or hear a conflicting claim, look to see if it has a peer reviewed study backing it up. Go to the national library of medicine website (pubmed) and search for article being quoted to see if it exists and if it has been peer reviewed. My review of the data clearly convinces me that the benefits of COVD vaccines far outweigh any risks and I encourage everyone to take advantage of them, while still continuing to also protect themselves and others with measures such as masks, hand washing and social distancing.

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